Wound bel – what should I do? Why do you say the waist?

Back pain can occur frequently. Patients say, "sore waist", "night bel", "back pain, lumbar". Inconsiderate pain, "could mean ached waist", "waist pulls", "the uterus crying". Sometimes the pain is described as a burning sensation occurs.

Bel called lower back from the ground - ends, ribs, sacrum. Maybe a separate word to indicate how long it took me to the waist, once a place to show it hurts. Ultimately, a backache, most of the time that hurts the waist.

back pain

Low back pain what it could be

The most common back pain occurs suddenly, and mostly acute. In this case, to talk about lumbago (old folk name - back pain). Sharp pain described as "shooting". Bound in motion, sometimes impossible to fix back. Any movement increases the pain.

It may take a few minutes of the attack the pain may take a more important time (several days). Maybe this crisis will pass and remind yourself about the pain more, but you get used to it and hurts most of the time, what a waist to have it may be sick.

Low back pain and acute (sudden), chronic to wear it and the quality of an image. Abundance, but constant pain, back pain, may sometimes be aggravated by, for example, during physical exertion, infectious disease, cold, etc. called lumbar region. Sometimes directly pain, but if pain persists, the hardness, the discomfort the patient is experiencing.

Lower back pain causes

There are several possible reasons low back pain may be, but the statistics here are as follows:

  • in 90% of cases with pain problems of the spine and back muscles;
  • 6% the cause of the pain - renal disease;
  • 4% - of the disease other internal organs (urogenital system, intestine).

A portion of the spine most lower back pain all you have to, and this is not a coincidence. A person's center of gravity, your body stay level once it falls almost entirely on the lumbar spine and a whole load of walking waist (animal, standing on all fours, it's not a problem). And when a person sits, the lumbar vertebrae and the sacrum lives in the same pressure force and with a layer 170 feet of water, crush the diver. Naturally, in this area are particularly vulnerable.

Nov-low back pain cause diseases of the skeletal system:

  • pinched sciatic nerve. Nerve roots of the spinal cord branching, compressed adjacent vertebrae. Occurs, the sudden shooting pain. Typically the bead roots because it is possible that degenerative changes of the spine (osteochondrosis): intervertebral discs separating the vertebrae from each other, the space between the vertebrae narrows and a sharp motion (Tilt, rotation) may cause impingement nerve branches;
  • sciatica (sciatic). The pinched nerve root becomes infected. Sciatica is an inflammation of a nerve root (lat. radicula - "sport"); a special name that is sometimes used to describe inflammation of the sciatic nerve - sciatica. Lumboischialgia can be seen when the sciatic nerve - the sciatic nerve of low back pain is a common hip and leg as it progresses;
  • slice bulging herniated disc, herniated disc, spinal canal. Resulting injury or degenerative changes of the spine (degenerative disc disease);
  • myositis, lumbar Nov. Myositis inflammation of skeletal muscle. Why waist the muscles of myositis may be a thriller or dramatic cooling.

Can also cause lower back pain diseases like multiple sclerosis, such as degenerative sacroiliitis, osteoporosis.

Prevention, back pain

Provoking back pain often view their health in a careless manner. The cause of the pain may be:

  • long-term accommodation suitable for a location (for example, a sedentary job);
  • the wrong posture;
  • low mobility;
  • excessive physical activity.

All of these factors contribute to disease development that affect pain, low back pain. Pain can reduce the risk into account if you receive the following tips dentists:

  • follow posture;
  • avoid weird poses while sitting. It is more advisable to the joints of the hips slightly higher than the knees. For this, use a low chair or under the feet of a stand. Direct a small pillow between your waist and the back seat;
  • the time required for a sedentary job to get up back. The structure of every hour -five minute breaks; the correct weight lifting
  • sleep, preferably with orthopedic mattress (elastic, fixed and adequate);
  • the knee joint flexion due to having to lift the weight back into place. Required to crouch, bend knee, then preserving them for the Fix, smooth dorsal line;
  • and evenly between both hands must transfer cargo, from a whole load of wearing a heavy bag);
  • a number of exercises to be done every day, directional strengthening abdominal muscles and back.

Lower back pain kidney diseases

Pain low back pain what is important to determine their cause - pathology Oct-skeletal system, or renal disease (and other internal organs). The doctor who diagnoses you need to exercise. However, symptoms, allow, accept, that may be the cause of the pain, kidney problems, or (and other) organs of the urogenital system. Symptoms of manifestation suitable data immediately, the doctor-urologist. Kidney disease (or wide - genitourinary system questionable) is accompanied by a backache:

  • a general deterioration (lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue);
  • eyelid swelling, face. Swelling, especially of the expression decreases after waking up in the morning and towards the evening;
  • increased body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • palpitations or painful urination;
  • changing properties of urine (it can be a more intense color or colorless, containing mucus or blood);
  • increased blood pressure.

Also important back pain as a symptom not cause problems with internal organs, Nov-skeletal, his independence, his body position: the body and pain in the limbs in terms of change increases. However, long-term pain finding the Czech standing pathology may increase. There is a value, and pain localization. The most common type of kidney disease, because pain in one hand (usually the bitter single kidney). Kidney pain are not limited to, the waist and both on-the-go and the kidneys, groin, outer genitals, inner thighs.

Uterus sore: what should be done?

Back pain is a symptom of this disease, a cure requires. Therefore, you should see a doctor. But a sudden attack of acute pain ("local talk", a typical radiculitis), first of all necessary to weaken pain syndrome. Doctors recommend:

  • terms of use. Tue wool or wool tie waist belt;
  • take painkillers;
  • you need to accept a posture relaxes the back muscles, which provides. Advice: lie on your back, a hard, flat surface (board); raise the legs and knees are bent, what to put them under a blanket or pillow minimized. (Half if you don't want to stay clear draft).

Recommended exposure - dogma. I feel a sick relief, therefore, and other postures; for example, wood flooring to put his knee bent, foot, hands in between to take matters into a pillow. You can try lying on her stomach and ankle joints extend my legs under the pillow I received. If I was able to acute pain, that the doctor already is no longer necessary. Repeated bouts of treatment will be appropriate, and in general the situation worse.

What is a sore waist

The complaint of low back pain which doctor?

The best thing for back pain consult a doctor-a therapist, because first of all if you want to determine the disease causes pain in the body. Depending on the results, you may need advice or a specialist inspection. Can be assigned:

  • Desk Doctor-neurologist - the state to assess the spinal cord, the dorsal muscles and the nervous system;
  • doctor's advice-urologist - suspected urinary tract disease;
  • Desk Doctor-gynecologist - suspicious or existing chronic diseases female reproductive system;
  • complete blood count and urinalysis to confirm or rule out the inflammatory nature of the disease;
  • radiography ;spine
  • ULTRASOUND hip joints ;
  • and other research.