Pain right side back pain: causes of pain in men and women

View the pain – body's fault signal. If there's pain, right side rear, her resolve carefully and care to treat the symptom. A pain that occurs to determine its cause can be only approximate, for a definitive diagnosis, I need help, doctor. If incomprehensible, what necessary doctor, therapist appointment. That guidance, inspection and sign more action in the diagram.

When unbearable, acute, sharp pain I call the ambulance brigade. May require immediate medical attention!

Listen to your body and define, especially where there is pain, causes pain and additional symptoms whether. Time problems with the spine, pain occurs depends on the location and Nov or any portion of the tread is a problem. Often occurs after situational, and physical exertion or incorrect body position. Acute inflammatory processes of the internal organs, usually, additional symptoms that may be accompanied by fatigue, nausea, cough, temperature increase. In the early stages of the disease, findings that may be outside of any pain syndrome, therefore, it is important that you seek medical help for early diagnosis for the disease.

back pain

In an organ that is characterized by pain, need to pay attention:

  1. It's a paddle at the bottom of the upper right back. Here the disease itself suggests and the spine the respiratory system.
  2. Average back under right rib. This area from the lower parts of the lungs, digestive system, pancreas, gall bladder, liver.
  3. On the right lower back approximately waist – the area of the urinary system, kidney, right.
  4. Right of the uterus – possible bowel problems, women's diseases, urinary system.
  5. Right all back the digestive system, the spine, Nov.

Possible causes

Respiratory disease

Feature – increased pain, deep breathing, or breath. The therapist is returning for treatment, if necessary, your product, the pulmonologist.

  1. Pleural effusion – pleural inflammation. The pain wears drilling or cutting character, reinforced during deep breathing, sudden movements and weak, you lie on the patient side. Additional symptoms: cough, fever, shortness of breath. Diagnostic radiography, ULTRASOUND. Antibiotics used in the treatment of various medical manipulation, sometimes surgical intervention.
  2. Pneumonia – lung the inflammatory process airline departments. Pain under the ribs or under a shovel, the dose increased, while breathing deeply, coughing. In rare cases, do not produce symptoms in the early stages of the disease, then the temperature rises, cough, sputum, weakness. Treatment antibiotics the doctor will choose.
  3. Pneumothorax — accumulation of gas in the pleural cavity, the lung. The pain severe, sharp, stabbing, returns, arms, shoulders, improved breathing and coughing. The man I want to sit or get polyurethane the location, visible shortness of breath, and cold sweats, panic. Diagnostic radiography a hole and the more light. Necessary emergency aid, doctor!
  4. Lung cancer. Unbearable and strong pain occurs consistently only in the last stages of cancer, a tumor, pleural.
  5. Heart – parts ordeal easy and don't get pregnant this organ of the blood and a blood clot in the pulmonary artery. Severe pain, acute, cutting under the right shoulder. Additional symptoms: shortness of breath, tachycardia, hemoptysis. Immediately call an ambulance!

Diseases of the digestive system

Parity usually extra symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. The therapist will guide you gastroenterologists.

  1. Gas – gas accumulation of gout. Dull the pain, pulling, accompanied by abdominal swelling. It appears after some products (beans, coke, etc.) as a result, bowel disease or neurosis. Antispasmodics painful symptoms disappear, sorbent, and defoamers.
  2. Appendicitis inflammation of the Appendix. If the processus behind the blind gut, the sensation of pain arising abdominal pain, how often, and low back pain, lower right. Pain, acute, persistent, gives, feet, groin, and pelvic region. Lie on your left side – that skyrocket. Additional symptoms include nausea, weakness, and sometimes a high temperature is 38 degrees. Urgent surgical intervention!
  3. Intestinal colic – spasms Nov, intestines. Burning pain in the lower back, policy: increases, decreases, passes the abdominal area after a while. Additional symptoms: fatigue, frequent urination, nausea, diarrhea. Possible causes: toxicity, stress, intestinal diseases, gastritis. Intestinal colic antispazmodik accept and applied a heating pad.

Strong intestinal colic can be a sign of serious diseases that in no way is unavailable, a heating pad, and immediately call an ambulance!

  1. Acute cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder. The pain in upper quadrant of the abdomen below the field on the right side gives the right scapula. May be subject own after a while (half an hour). Usually at night or in the morning, after eating fatty foods or alcohol. Additional symptoms: bitter taste, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting bile, white tongue coating. Diagnosis blood tests, urine, stool, ULTRASOUND, gallbladder. Necessarily surgical treatment or medications in your diet.
  2. Acute pancreatitis – inflammation of the pancreas. Pain on the side, your wife gives you the right waist. In rare cases, a a way of feeling, your wife is missing, and felt, and just back right in the middle. Dull the pain policy: a increases, a decreases. Additional symptoms: nausea, without vomiting, facilitate, and his face a grayish tint, bloating. Increased pain immediately call an ambulance! Pending a doctor that accepts an antispasmodic. That occurs in chronic pancreatitis pain right side back then overeating or alcohol.

Disease urinary system

The most common reason for back pain if it is not associated with the right side of the spine and muscles. A urologist or Nephrologist therapist who will guide you.

urinary system
  1. Retroperitoneal hematoma retroperitoneal bleeding or internal bleeding if there is damage to the abdominal organs. Trauma occurs as a result of: a fall from a height, shock, abdominal. Abdominal and back pain depends on the extent of damage: any symptom of pain as the shock. According to the results of the diagnosis, ultrasonography, Computed Tomography and radiography. Require medical intervention!

Sometimes a startup, kidney disease and urinary symptoms and pain syndrome in the lumbar region only the system itself with no additional!

  1. Nephroptosis – offset kidney. At the onset of the disease pain in right side rear non-constant, dull. Visible, body upright, then basically a strong cough or physical load. Pass, you lie down. Later, the pain to grow, and renal colic that may arise. Diagnosis palpation, ULTRASOUND, lying down, and while standing, MRI. First-degree descent from the conservative methods of treatment kidney: gymnastics, bandages, sanatorium treatment, massage. Second-and third-degree may require surgery.
  2. Renal colic, congestion, urinary tract infections. Severe pain policy located in the waist gives the right pubis in the field of all and then spreads to the waist. Lifting the body temperature may also occur, vomiting, bloating. Doctors before the ambulance or give drink antispazmodik. If no other signs of pain, it's better hot. Pending you need a doctor, to sleep was on the kidneys to the bladder (semi-seated position of the body).
  3. Urolithiasis – urolithiasis – urinary system stone formation. Depending on location, stones, back pain can occur in different places: Cup kidney – deep pain, low back pain, renal pelvis — the upper right quadrant gives the partitions in the upper ureter – acute, unbearable pain, motion, field hypochondrium spoon until you can spread. If you have strong pain in the lower waist portion with the shift section of the lower ureter stone sexual organs. Diagnostic tests, urine, ULTRASOUND, MRI. Conservative treatment or cooperative methods (PhD elective). Usually prescribed by doctors herbs: dill, violet, Narcissus, cinquefoil, leaves, red bilberry, St. John's wort, sage, bearberry, rosehip, and others. Special herbal kidney that are sold in the pharmacy fees.
  4. Hydronephrosis and extension of renal pelvis. The pain is aching, that does not depend on body posture. Urine darken and painted in shades of reddish — a presence in this sign, blood. Pain, aching, sometimes the symptoms are felt, renal colic, fatigue, nausea. With the help of radiography and ultrasonography for diagnosis. In the hospital environment and treatment necessary to reduce the pressure of urine excretion from the kidney.
  5. Pyelonephritis – bacterial inflammation of kidneys. Experienced pain, stupid, sometimes in circles, it depends on, the position of the body may be similar to renal colic. Additional symptoms: frequent urination, edema in face and legs. Diagnosis blood tests and urine tests, ULTRASOUND, Computed Tomography, X-ray. Treatment with antibiotics the doctor need to write the test results.
  6. Kidney abscess purulent inflammation. Rare: as a result, pyelonephritis or urolithiasis. The pain was sudden, sharp. Similar to the symptoms of pyelonephritis, may seem advanced, chills, thirst. Call an ambulance and needed emergency surgery!

Problems with the spine, the spinal cord and brain

This kind of feature that consists of advanced or end a pain depending on movement and body position. Steer the doctor, podiatrist, neurologist, manual therapist.

problems with the spine
  1. Osteochondritis – dystrophic articular disorders and cartilage. Mount Ararat gives depending on the position of the shoulders, arms or legs, hips, and buttocks. The man lean heavily, back to correct. During physical exertion, sudden movements, long-statist stance of sensations alone. Nov inflammation and relieve spasms to alleviate the situation. Used in the treatment anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, ointments warming, often doctor-prescribed physiotherapy: paraffin applications, including phonophoresis, laser treatment. An osteochondrosis useful, therapeutic massage.
  2. Spondylosis of the vertebrae deformity due to bone growth. Squeeze the spines and why the surrounding nerves aching, dull, one-sided pain, time of day and the position of an independent body. Palpation revealed a plot of pressure pain if acute back pain. In the form of a waist, sometimes numbness, foot. Diagnosis using X-ray, MRI. Treatment pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, beneficial massage and electrophoresis.
  3. Intervertebral hernia – bulging intervertebral disc. Characterized by persistent tension, that nagging Pain has been strengthened at the end of the day. Perhaps the sharp movements, in a sense, local talk, lightning acute pain. The sensations in the turns and side slopes end in the supine position. To alleviate the situation to an acceptable painkiller (paracetamol, that is a member of analg, procaine). The purpose of treatment, pain and inflammation, massage therapy and prescribed exercise. Surgery — a rare and serious indications.
  4. Radiculopathy (sciatica) – defeat root, spinal cord. In most cases, a result, and degenerative disc disease, intervertebral herniation or stenosis (narrow spinal canal). Severe pain, acute or dull, gives the different sections of the spine. Typical sensory loss, some plots back muscles, and this process is accompanied by numbness or tingling, burning sensation. Detection and troubleshooting for treating causes not symptoms. Take a pain reliever to alleviate the situation, massaging, pleasure, a special ointment. Wool natural bath and feeding place for folk remedies to help the patient.

The main thing – consult a doctor quickly. The treatment of many diseases easier, less costly, and cheap for the money and the time, if you get up this early on. Good health to yourself!