Back pain on the left side

Negatively affecting your back pain on the left side a person's quality of life, therefore, from time to time need timely treatment. The sensation of pain may occur for a variety of reasons starting with problems and ending the development of the digestive system pinched or the vertebrae is a serious disease. Therefore, to get started all you need to do an accurate diagnosis incorrect or untimely treatment because complications may occur. More information about causes and treatment with this article on the left side the pain will be taken.

Possible causes

back pain on the left side

The pain sensation on the left side of the conditional share doctors two groups. Pathologies of internal organs and the disease the back of a direct connection first and second systems. Syndrome temporary, so that after a few hours disappear on their own. Pain can be uncomfortable but at the same time, the patient throughout the day. That continuous violence can be exacerbated or slowly, it offers a lot of complicated discomfort to the patient, his lifestyle.

The most common factors contributing to the emergence of left back pain are:

  • development of diseases, such as spinal cord, sciatica, intervertebral hernia or back pain;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system (e.g., angina or heart attack);
  • urinary disease and urinary systems;
  • leakage of pregnancy;
  • disorder, respiratory functions, including the development of pneumonia;
  • performance problems of the digestive system disease (Crohn's disease, pancreatitis, and other);
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • pyelonephritis inflammatory kidney disease l pain syndrome on the left side it's development accompanies;
  • incorrect or unbalanced diet, intestinal colic, which occurs. In this case, the result is often discomfort is the emergence of eating junk food, back.

Attention! Provoked pain syndrome a very serious disease, which is get rid of the medication only. A comprehensive diagnostic examination to avoid the wrong diagnosis and the decision to speed up the healing process.

Accompanying symptoms

accompanying symptoms

Regardless, the factor which conditions the emergence of pain syndrome, intervertebral disc pathological changes is usually there is a problem with the connection on the left side of the structure. In such cases, a pinched nerve root of the spinal cord dying. Typically, this pathological process was accompanied by sharp increase in the density of the shot which may act. But sometimes because of the pain feeling may be connected, and different pathologies clinical picture may also change. For example, the business often arises with the digestive system problems, nausea, reduced appetite, or vomiting.

Often the pain in the lumbar region accompanied by a decline in sensitivity in the legs, frequent urination or increased body temperature especially in the morning pulses. In such cases, it may have a bad feeling why any disease it is therefore extremely important, and for symptoms that arise to your doctor and explain in a timely and accurate manner.

Diagnostic methods

When you are prompted, suspicious symptoms, including pain, on the left side, immediately consult a doctor for help. Neurologist or a therapist that will execute a diagnostic examination in order to help in this case. Medicus may help in rare cases-to determine whether pathological changes in bone and tissue osteopaths to find out Nov.

To assign a diagnosis during the patient's pre the following procedure:

  • laboratory urinalysis and blood;
  • blood Chemistry;
  • X-ray study;
  • Computed Tomography;
  • chest X-ray;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging;
  • pelvic ultrasonography.

Note! In addition, your doctor differential diagnosis, and how a painful feeling on the left side may occur as a result, the patient's condition preinfarction or acute myocardial infarction. This research method eliminate the presence of these factors.


On the basis of the results of the research, the doctor prescribe a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Though pathologies, talented provoke pain syndrome, it could be enough, their treatment, doctors, that have been applied to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms resource in the effort by the conservative.

First aid

The first thing you need to do when you are prompted pain syndrome, seek help from a doctor on the left side. But the clinic does not have a feature to visit soon, then quick to get measures to alleviate the patient's condition. The decision in question, pain relief drugs, which is not recommended to use without the knowledge of the doctor. To do first aid, therapeutic massage, several problems with this because the most effective method to fight back.

Able to keep only an expert therapeutic massage, it's true, but still there is a special skill required to perform simple tricks. Just in the right place is sick. Providing step by step instructions below, to facilitate the patient's condition at home.

After completing the necessary therapeutic procedures to improve therapeutic hot her calmness and relaxation to the patient should be covered or a plaid blanket. Each physical activity should be ruled out completely.


As noted earlier, the best tool of treatment when pain syndrome, with amenities such as massage comes. By eliminating the effect less but the home will give you a bad symptom, expert assistance necessary for a better result after a certain time. Massage massage Your body and go slowly warming up routine should start with lumbar and cervical section. The Action Plan should be consistent with those in all the massaging, because of some contraindications the physician perform the procedure.


If the pain wears the drilling side character, then this is most likely a symptom of colitis. In such cases must be engaged in diagnosis and treatment gastroenterologists, after holding all necessary tests prescribe appropriate treatment. Colitis the property, ignore, for a period of time its symptoms, surgical intervention may be required.

Necrosis and development of acute myocardial infarction, acute or nagging pain that accompanies it is usually on the left side of the body, how frequently accompanying disorders, respiratory functions. Only emergency hospitalization of the patient to save his life, and therefore the above symptoms can't be ignored. The resulting pain wears you a sharp air, antispasmodic drugs, then the doctors use to alleviate the situation. In this case, the healing effect will last but short-lived, and therefore the decision in the shortest possible time required for definitive diagnosis and get medical help.

As a result

Regardless of which character's pain on the left side of the picture, sharp, blunt, sharp, nagging, or appeal, just because a doctor emergency your health at risk, but it's your life. No sense to rely on what as time passes the pain itself, I'm working on it, ignore it or accept it analgesics. Of skilled professionals to help himself, not because of lost time, payment of a very large price.