Why the edges of the sore waist and back pain отдающие

In addition to pain and low back pain – a common phenomenon that could be cause Nov disorders onset skeletal system, ending with, Performance impairment, abdominal organs and the urinary system.

Accurate diagnosis, pathology, located behind the shoulder blades, which is why an unpleasant feeling, first determine the nature and unpleasant sensations in the properties. So, it's a pain in the lower back and sides at the same time on both sides, or with a situation that can't be a serious health hazard?

The pathology reasons

A pain, at waist level and side at the same time in a few places, the language of medicine is a mechanism that several of the irritation that is reflected in the development of nerve branches.

For this reason, pain, child, отдающая other places, in some cases, the symptoms that shows so fuzzy and blurry, you cannot determine them exactly even supply she's sick.


Different organs such as lumbar and lateral projection subsection l colon, kidney, abdominal organs, reproductive organs in women, therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of a pain syndrome, back pain and consult a doctor.

Because discomfort can occur in healthy individuals and flanks waist dress warmly and to stay dry, or excessive exercise, but in this case they are only temporary and then disappears, rest.


Weather plays an important role in determining the reasons for pain syndrome – features include pathologies of each clinical course, a diagnosis that should be taken into consideration.

  • Acute pain is typical for the situation that requires an emergency doctor, and sometimes emergency medical help. This show is serious, pathological processes of internal organs or structures of the backbone can connect to their number in liver and renal colic, gastrointestinal diseases, kidney and reproductive system during the acute phase, hernia, spinal column, and neuralgia.
  • Visible discomfort of chronic pathologies the most common diseases of the spine – back pain, протрузия, scoliosis, etc., in particular occurs, then in the same position for a long time or physical activity.
  • The picture pain syndrome is a common symptom of the disease, and the breeding of female urogenital system disorders, liver.
  • In addition, she is often seen in pregnant women due to the pressure the growing fetus during the second and third trimesters.
  • Dull pain that may indicate inflammatory or infectious processes, gall bladder and kidney stones, sometimes the lumbar and sacral spine diseases.
  • Sudden pain attacks observed radiculitis, intervertebral discs протрузия infection and hernia, as well as kidney and liver cramps, spasms, intestines, and other organs.
  • Discomfort is felt, often testify to the inflammatory and infectious pathology, bladder, kidney, and reproductive system, it can be felt during pregnancy.
  • Shingles pain syndrome, pancreatitis and other diseases usually signs of favor, digestive system, urinary system, gynecological diseases: intense pain, acute peptic disease in such cases to mention the weak – in the chronic form.

A subjective concept that represents the character of the pain, therefore, impossible to determine the cause of the disease, additional symptoms that you need to consider just this indicator and other factors.

Reason gives you the right and from the left side

Diseases of the spine

The degenerative process, injury, and other pathologies of the vertebrae, intervertebral disc, or nearby structures (nerves, Nov) – common causes discomfort.

The sacral portion of the vertebral column or the pain in this case usually l, less pain, due to damage orange under motion.

Offset vertebral disk

Spondylolisthesis with vertebral axis represented the spine of the declination offset with another. This situation is often the public "intervertebral disc displacement", but this statement is incorrect because it is the only vertebra that may be changed.

Pathology develops, for various reasons (trauma, age-related changes, incorrect load, etc.) and why irritated nerve fibers, which is why their full ущемлению or edema, inflammation, or acute back pain.


Degenerative changes the spine or lower back pain, the most common in the elderly.

The cartilage of the spine due to negative factors effect the power process are being violated, why they lose their elasticity and ability to re.

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The basic symptoms degenerative disc disease – limiting spinal mobility, and burning, aching or pulsating pain, including back, waist and sides.

Visit the doctor symptoms necessarily follow.

Fractures of the spine

Vertebral fracture is a serious injury, Nov-skeletal system requires long-term and comprehensive treatment. Bone tissue integrity violations consists of an external impact (blow, fall, etc.) pain syndrome and find yourself in the first place.

The properties depends on the degree of localization and damage, however, most often intense pain syndrome, zoster character, parity, neurological disorders – disorders of sensitivity in the extremities, headaches, etc.


The curvature scoliosis and asymmetry of the vertebral column represent, which is why the study of functional disorders of the internal organs.

In the first stage, the disease shows itself in different departments, which discomfort and pain syndrome of the back (lumbar lesions they are localized at the sides and back pain), fatigue, and mobility disorders, spine, pathological process while it may be a problem with urination and defecation.

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis

Ankylosing spondylarthrosis (ankylosing spondylitis), represented by an extremely rare pathology, Nov-hits inter vertebral skeleton, shoulder and hip joints.

The number of his back pain symptoms and side walls, reinforced in tension and change Nov weather, curvature of the spine, biased, and stroke. The disease is fatal, and progresses slowly, but increasingly and often to permanent disability.

Sebaceous gland hernia

Sebaceous gland hernia is seen less often in other parts of the spine, Henri, the Department of the sacral vertebrae are stronger and more durable.

Evolves due to a number of factors, degenerative contains Nov-skeletal system diseases, infection and inflammation, internal organ damage.

Such a strong pain that the patient feels the coccyx and lumbar hernia, it is provided, and Boca spoon, are drawn in a fortified position and pain medication.


For women who more frequently suffer from these hernias, the most common Defense is giving birth to a disease-provoking factor.

The internal organs the disease

A pathology of the internal organs around the waist and hips the feeling of fighting is secondary. On the contrary, diseases symptoms, Nov-the skeletal system are not associated with movements or change body position and to accompany abnormalities in other body systems.

Мочеиспускательной system disease

Inflammatory and infectious processes as a cause of pain мочеиспускательной system disease, bladder stone formation, obstruction, ureteral.

Depending pathology, clinical course, can be an unpleasant feeling, sharp, the density may be different, and most disorders accompanied by frequent urination, rise in temperature, general weakness.

Kidney disease

Features pain a renal pathology that is to say, they localized the slightly higher waist, to give weather and herpes usually the lower abdomen, navel, groin. Some kidney diseases (polycystic, malignant tumors, kidney) slowly, so accompanied by a strong discomfort, kidney pain, ureteral obstruction and the pain is so intense sometimes that causes a painful shock.


Cirrhosis is a disease characterized by severe loss of Organ and tissue their place fibrotic fibers, and is often fatal. Wear waist herpes pain may indicate a pathological process a character, but more often localized on the right side, pain in the mouth (manifested in the morning), periodic disturbances, bowel movements and weight loss.

Intestinal pathology

Disorders, intestine, gall bladder, pancreas and other digestive organs a stupid character manifest in discomfort, abdomen, waist, flanks, acute diseases but in some places a little sharp and sudden pain.

Usually, they were clearly connected to food intake (on an empty stomach, after a meal or eating certain foods) and its accompanying abdominal bloating, increased gas.

Women features

Women are seen more often in men of pain in at the edges, as a result, the anatomical features of the female organism. Your wife located of the fair sex, reproductive organs, the pelvic and genital discomfort often provoke inflammation and infection is to improve them more often than men.


It is not uncommon for women that the edges of pain when you change a hormonal background, congenital disorders (e.g., rejection, or загибе uterus).

Other reasons for persistent pain – genital infection, fibroids, adnexitis, endometriosis and other inflammatory process.

Additional symptoms of the above diseases – menstrual irregularities, infertility, general health deterioration.


Many women in addition to pain, during menstruation the physiological norm – in this case of pain that the air intake easily removable and not accompanied antispasmodics, additional symptoms.


In addition to low back pain and discomfort during pregnancy after the first trimester usually occurs when growing a fruit start to push, the spine and internal organs.

Within the first week of carrying a child that such a symptom may be a sign of hormonal changes in the body, relaxation, and bonding as well as low Apr starting – in this case, the pain is worn, dense air, accompanied by кровянистыми bleeding or secretions, vaginal discharge, weakness, and worsening of general condition.

After birth

Pain in lower abdomen, flanks, and lower back pain I feel, all women, without exception – is a part of the recovery process of the reproductive system. They can be strong enough vaginal immediately, but gradually decreases after a few days, and disappear within two to four weeks along.

Men features

Representatives of boca has been reduced to pulling causes pain male, lower abdomen, groin and foot become a rule such as prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, cystitis and other bladder diseases less frequently. In the city you can mark other signs, shortness of breath, urine output, sexual dysfunction and impotence, sexually transmitted diseases, purulent urethral marked.

In situations like this both the partners to undergo treatment of sexual infections in men the symptoms of the disease even when a woman is missing.

Ways of treatment

To self-medicate is not recommended especially with additional symptoms accompanied by frequent pain – lubricate any activity can be the official diseases, затруднив staging, diagnosis, or the patient's condition.


Physical therapy – a way to eliminate a discomfort pathology of Nov-the skeletal system and menstrual cramps. Need to exercise the muscles very hard installation carefully, avoiding sudden movements and increased pain syndrome.

To give a better effect of pregnancy and gynecological diseases, breathing exercises and yoga, but first-class into account existing contraindications and consult a medical professional. Also, a light massage – circular motion, or just for a walk outdoors.

Physical therapy

After intense physiotherapy in the acute phase inflammatory and infectious processes by vibrating methods are applied, increased temperature, and other symptoms remains.

Electrophoresis is recommended as the treatment process for the patient different drugs (pain relievers, tissue regeneration, improves and nutrition), UHF, magnetic, electrical stimulation, mud, paraffin, and озокеритовые applications. The doctor defines a specific method depending on the characteristics of the course and duration of exposure, the clinical course of the disease and the general condition of the patient.

And side low back pain can be of different density and character, however, in most cases, annoying signs, requests, timely diagnosis and treatment.