Why back pain: causes and treatment

I have something to complain regularly 16-18 year almost every second person on back pain. In recent years, these types of problems became common even for young people, and growing back pain complaints among adults the frequency is increasing. In this case, immediate medical attention is drawn only one-fifth. The other choice is "bass" in their server and hope for the pain meds, unpleasant emotions will be held.

back pain

Exactly what it would cost to set each back pain, this symptom in a particular situation is threatening him because of a serious health problem.

Causes pain

Usually relatively young and healthy people in abnormally excessive back pain. So they back pain treatment from the doctor with complaints of why 85% of the patients. Necessarily weightlifter, busy, occupational characteristics physical labor may issue or enthusiast to take to back to country gardening. To be permanent in the same position, for example, while a computer is running, it provides over-voltage, and a cause why back pain. The seat was built on the advice of a doctor to protect him, have deep, important reason. Heavy bag, portable, supermarket, and household that can give the same effect.

Diagnosis of "fatigue back" medical terminology. Pain with mild weather, indoor written "for reasons that are unclear," and the peace of treatment and a smooth landing. It's not a feeling that more attention is given to them, crumple two weeks accompanied by additional symptoms, or a specific frequency. To determine why a backache, you will need a series hardware research and consulting physicians of different specialties.

Compression fracture

If you believe the Health Organization according to up to 4% for patients of all ages, suffering from severe back pain compression fracture. Diagnosed with it ima without external cracks have formed very strong impact. Such fractures are common in the elderly; the younger age group, the spine in osteoporotic patients who are prone him. Low bone density unreliable against gravity. It may be broken, or even sick, under the influence of its own weight, and that doesn't matter; just to celebrate, my back hurts, it is not clear why. For this reason, it does not apply to a compression fracture with traumatic consequences.

The doctor tells you in detail what this kind of damage because of a backache. To recover the situation with a full peace, connected to drugs and strict bed rest, of course, to reduce the pain talented.

The problem is on the side of the spine



It is a chronic disease, people who may be a strike of any age, social status, and gender. With development degenerative disc disease the intervertebral disc height is reduced, reduced mobility, complication of the spine over all the time, not just a ridge on the outside, but from the outside the internal organs.


This disease of suffering from up to 7% of the population. Here the diagnosis of spondylolisthesis is quite rare: many patients ignore the signal until the last moment, resulting in acute pain back pain. In principle the disease can affect any spine, but more often it affects the fifth lumbar vertebra. Reper begins her deformed feet as a result of located on, under that puffy, or back or forward. Metaphorically, a response reminiscent of the one in the post of normalcy of the spine like a ladder.

Continuous back pain that the disease manifests itself, pain can spread to the hip, in some cases, the lower extremity. However, if it's not a disease, hard-working, very sharp feeling and patients ignore them.

Ankylosing spondylitis

O – ankylosing spondylitis. Men and primarily effects people of all ages. Patients women's makeup of only 16-17 %. Spondylitis is an inflammatory joint, ligament; or disease of a progressive character. Usually starts with l, but in the absence of reaction, i.e., the correct treatment, it spreads fairly quickly, chest, and then – and cervical segments. So back to all who are affected: if a wound waist, after a short while, the whole body, such as an aside.

The first symptoms are stiffness, pain syndrome expressed by the lower part of the body. All of the tension in the muscles of the back notes on a constant, and is reduced even during a long holiday until the end. In almost all cases, the complaining hip; over time, ankylosing spondylitis hits, connective tissue, cardiovascular system, lung and kidney. Described in medicine, in some cases, ankylosing spondylitis, even the eyes are affected.

Herniated disc

Such a pathology is so common it is considered as intervertebral discs. Faced with a problem more often in mature people, over the age of 40, but can develop at a much younger age. Disc herniation may contribute to the formation will be:

intervertebral hernia
  • overweight – that in recent years the most common provoking factor;
  • heavy physical work or exercise weight;
  • trauma , spine related;
  • long-term finding a sitting position (especially in the workplace, failure to follow incorrect advice organized orthopedic);
  • provoked diseases: hip dysplasia, joint infancy, scoliosis, low back pain.

Hernia Development Mechanism lies degeneration, connective tissue, and Nov. The spine corset begins muscularis unsupported sinks, wheels – inupiaq feet and squeezed out of the boundaries. As a result, the patient has back pain, especially weight lifting rotate inclinavit se location. Pain are also strengthened sneezing or coughing, or sudden movements you're falling. Between additional symptoms — numbness, tingling, foot or the wattage of fun, according to him, "goose bumps" and the other a very pleasant feeling.


This is a rare one what causes back pain. A diagnosis such as about 0.01% in patients will be applied. Penetration starts due to osteomyelitis infection of the spine, usually when the urine hits your blood does not get through the channel. Cunning disease, it develops slowly and unnoticed, her temperature rises when he learns a hypochondriac and back pain, sometimes dangerous indicators.

If your waist or shoulder ached but the value is understood and Thermometer approvals, you were ill, this is not so, what is it osteomyelitis. Many infectious diseases that can occur in the same clinical table – it's like the flu. If so, I need to do to solve a doctor for back pain a strong. Otherwise you can start with a treatable infection, such as the spine, time you must fight a more familiar disease.

Scoliosis and back pain sciatica strong and enforced (crescere until their density may be in his case, the indicator "irresistible"), and many other problems with the spine. What if back pain is an issue of concern, the key is the establishment of accurate diagnosis for attention and anxiety. A topical treatment you could be an expert just understand it.

Just the spine

between the blades

How to get rid of back pain? Many people, I believe, able to tell just a podiatrist or spine. However, this body imply that they can be a part of us, and about the issues the internal organs, the spine has nothing to do:

  • if my back hurts, left, upper body, is there, nagging, but sometimes Japanese weather, this symptom may be a precursor to a heart attack. Anyway, incompatibility has been clearly with the heart, so the cardiologist visit more stands as;
  • datum usque affecting the waist and keeping up pain, often inflammatory processes testify, walking, kidney organ under the authority or within the scope of the gynecologist. The sensations of the air – image, sharp, throbbing. Sometimes the pain is transferred and the spoon;
  • you often talk about the sensation of pain between the blades in the area of diseases of the digestive system. Some is given to the patient to begin treatment waist and I do not have sciatica;
  • back pain weak heavy, a dance, a talk about sciatica may be in a position while driving or sitting and increased lower extremity, inflammation or impingement of the sciatic nerve;
  • deaf, but obvious pain in the shoulder blade, the spine of immigrants and increasing in turn the central body, or inhalation – with a clear signal light. In some cases, their own heart diseases.

Treatment if back pain is recommended for most vertebrates, with the patient of the diagnosis, ineffective, if the intensity of pain is independent of position (sitting, standing, lying) with your back which is not the most likely problem, what the internal organs.

In all of these cases, the psychologist must prescribe a complete treatment. Back pain is not due to physiological reasons, internal disorder. And until that is corrected (or the patient won't be pleased with him), it is not possible to eliminate the discomfort. Even the pain medication will move from time to time, is scheduled to be weaker.

The basics of treatment

The main issue for patients, the same sacred: is treated? Intervene to remove signs of back pain live and work. However, this is a very limited perception of the problem. Withdrawal symptoms temporarily solves the problem. You understand it is a disease that is triggered by development, the pain syndrome will come back.

Back problems back pain causes commonly applied treatment methods specified in the standard according to the specific diagnosis and individual patient characteristics. Breakfast:

back treatment
  • anti-inflammatory drugs, nonsteroidal a series. At the same time they relieve back pain, and their generandi hose or inflammatory process. If very strong pain syndrome, atypical drugs are introduced; the most complex cases, they complemented analgesics and narcotic substances. Maintenance drug therapy is used, vitamin complexes, Nov relaxers, nonsteroidal reinforcing action, antihistamines. How is your back pain causes a resource is assigned the course of treatment for her disease – and that is also applied from the first day, regardless of the severity of the pain syndrome;
  • physical therapy. That is assigned when an acute attack and was placed in operations may lead to acute complication. Especially popular among of the effective factors and electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, acupuncture. In recent years, especially it is recommended by doctors hydrocolonotherapy — stimulating stretching the spine held in a pool with warm water;
  • physical therapy. Can't do without it almost all. The backbone of deformation and deterioration will progress, it's not the right position to force him to get on a regular basis. Gymnastics should be a part of, and the patient life and after the Fix back pain.

If you are experiencing back pain, due to the development of the disease in any internal organ, a treatment scheme will change drastically. The first scene remains the same, perhaps only the pain medication will include (if you had to settle the inflammation, the body ill). Pre-in the second stage, a problem to be sent to the primary pathology treatment: treatment of cardiovascular, digestive or excretory systems. This is right because Back Pain has nothing to do with his physiological condition.

Psychosomatic cases of back issues fair, most difficult acceptable for the patient. That will have to go to him in order to receive a comprehensive eye exam and consultation specialist with a narrow range, crop, disease probability of not only vertebrate, but problems with internal organs. And then – a conversation (and only one) with a professional psychologist. In our country, this is the doctor perceived something unpresentable. Unfortunately, without his help the patient to accept what you have back pain constantly: to get rid of the sick returns of the volumes read on its own internal problems.