Pain in left side back under ribs, in the lumbar region and kidney, waist under

According to him, you will be able to determine supply them. The issues that are considered to be the main causes, spleen, bowel, and urinary tract.

Possible causes acute pain, left side rear

left back pain

The pain on the left side the sign of the heart diseases. Usually are defined and the localization of pain, spasm, which if left rear.

The symptom of this kind of a factor like this scrolling to inaccuracies such as:

  • angina pectoris;
  • pericarditis;
  • myocardial infarction.

The last paragraph shows that acute and sudden chest pain, spasm gives, scapula and left side of the body. In this case, in the present moment, cold sweats, shortness of breath, nausea and dizziness status. It occurs when two or more of these signals, call ambulance trainer today.

Strong pain in the lumbar and kidney

The pain occurs in the lumbar region, inflammation of the left kidney. How pyelonephritis treatment for this condition. It yourself if you have infections. Experienced pain and stupid, but sometimes some can be powerful and acute. Last applies to any kind of pain ureteral pathology. Usually, without treatment, developing chronic pyelonephritis. Symptoms of illness that prevents a person live a full life significantly.

First, similar to the situation developing dehydration, temperature rises and, without treatment, just reduced. All this, accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting.
Constant lower back pain, that is winning the spoon in cold weather. Acute pyelonephritis often the patient visit the toilet, since it is close to the kidney and bladder. The infection will spread and the kidney in each area.

If you have painful urination, inflammation of the bladder it is a fact that cannot be ignored. Such a pathology is called urolithiasis. This view, stones, pipes and the pelvis, the urinary channel. Mostly the symptoms are not visible, but body load and shaking, visible acute pain and vomiting. Common foreign substances, blood in the urine. The left side has cramps on both sides of the housing.

Above the waist

Pain occurs only in the old high waist, but the young people are. This is a common problem. As a rule, what is the signal that a disease will report back to your body, the doctor. Less about it for some reason but at a younger age. People are such a pain because they don't think and just accept analgesics. Back spasms in the future.

High waist region may be different from that nagging pain sources, such as:

  • the cardiovascular system of the disease;
  • ulcer, appendicitis;
  • inflammation, kidney and lung;
  • problems with the digestive system.

By back spasms and aching under the shoulder blade, and when worn the emerging fetus. These spasms are quite varied and intense, hard to get used to them.

Such a format mostly pain-rear-back occurs, osteochondrosis, injuries to the spine and then. After suffering suffering from tuberculosis occur above the waist.

Under the rib recess

Disease-related esophagus, spleen, hernia, heart problems, and the texture of the pathology of pneumonia Nov because of the pain of withdrawal under the ribs. The resulting spasms in the upper quadrant there are three types:

  • acute and severe pain. Arises spontaneously. In this case, an ambulance, life is dangerous to adjourn. Usually the renal pelvis or rupture of the spleen is very noticeable. Such a pain, a terrible and dangerous in some cases for a life the person that says an organ;
  • dull pain, ongoing for a long time. This, he says, this disease is a chronic. Purchased the general reason for it is likely infection. Maybe it's about to be taken when troubleshooting gastritis, pancreatitis, or;
  • the pain is dull and throbbing inflammatory process he's talking about. Colitis can be invoked to prove himself, if the patient has severe cough. If accompanied by vomiting – risk peptic ulcer disease. If the sensation of pain will occur often, this signal may be apparent it is possible.

A nagging pain under the waist of

lumbar pain

Pain as sharp and may vary from the waist down silly is permanent. The most common causes of heavy physical labour, awkward posture while sitting or standing for a long time. Why hernia pain from the waist down plenty resources like intervertebral disc, spinal stenosis, spinal arthritis, spondylolisthesis, vertebral fracture, osteomyelitis, tumor and spine.


Pain occurs when the left to determine the source in times of need spasms. A variety of them may be. A fast and accurate way to assign the correct treatment to help the pain for a particular reason. Is the main cause kidney disease and the urinary tract, inflammation of spleen, painful process, digestive system, spinal problems and pathology Nov-skeletal system.

Mostly pain and spasms, and urinary tract injuries that occur during motion of the spine the pathology (kidney stones). Can be a pain sometimes in one place, and to give spoon.

Gives leg

Sometimes it can be seen, people walk and step on a loose foot this difference damaging them. Why is pain such a situation, it pays to keep up with. In the medical field is called sciatica. Such a plan signal person, and expenses consulting serious doctor. That can talk about serious inaccuracies in the body to scroll.

The reason is considered as, sciatica, degenerative disc disease resulting then. The pain may be different (dull, aching, tearing and shooting). If this disease is passed in the house, a posture that will help to get rid of the embryo. In certain areas of the body become relaxed in this position and more easily recognizable. It may sound sad, but has the feature return in the form of sciatica recurrence. Applicator Kuznetsova also suffer from back pain.

Pulling pain in pregnant women from below

Pregnant women without the pain of hosting a fruit always. They neck, back, and sometimes resulting in cramping lower abdominal. This tasteless, it's not horrible, but it should be a warning. In any case, why the need for security why a doctor or a coach ambulance. I need to look for to the doctors the pain not more than a half hour increases, and visible blood leaking.

Pain may be pulling the signal low, therefore tightening with the doctor's examination, it's not worth it. Small safe for pregnant women lower abdominal pain. Maybe this was just a stretch of the uterus. A third party that there is increasing pressure organs, hence the spasms.

Acute flank pain and nagging about stupid Video

If it hurts, the rear side or lower back pain, determine the cost, the source of your pain as quickly as possible. You can learn why by watching the video and timely spasms seek medical attention. This video is a useful method to obtain information about the pain to get rid of side. Proper nutrition and exercise tips to life– all this you will see our helpful video.