Right lower back pain: right side back why sore treatment

A signal men and women right back lower back pain issues, or spine, urogenital system, kidneys, or intestines. Therefore yourself can determine is the reason that much reliable. Unpleasant symptoms and get medical help when it would have been much more appropriate.

right side back pain

In which can I apply for PhD?

A discomfort in the back, right in the lumbar region, the necessary appointment of the county's therapist. Assigns the necessary research techniques that will lead to both a narrow specialist:

  • This podiatrist, neurologist to determine pathologies of the spine.
  • Nephrology this – if you are having problems, the kidneys.
  • This is a urologist — urinary or reproductive systems, about suspected violations.
  • Consult a gynecologist about women.

In addition, a general clinical blood and urine tests to detect the pain causes the patient an array manipulation that may be located on the right side, Bel.

  1. Blood Chemistry.
  2. Nechiporenko urinalysis and daily samples.
  3. The abdominal organs with ultrasound.
  4. Radiography.
  5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging or computed.

Used in each case, are diagnosed with a particular technique. Do not run to the doctor to timely treatment of ear disease, the following suggestions start.

Types of discrimination and types of pain

The definition in question, why the pain, back, bottom, right and above, an important feature. Length, Duration, intensity, location, localization factors are inducing the point of pain. It becomes painful:

  • Blunt and sharp.
  • Cutting, piercing.
  • Burning, nagging, pull.
  • The formation of a place – high and low waist.
  • Observed giving a body part or another.
  • Is periodic and continuous.
  • Intense and tolerant.

Pain syndrome associated with an unbalanced diet, physical exertion or chronic disease. A number of the factors that cause it.

Why my back hurts, right?

Pain in the lumbar region of a person I feel that are considered characteristic symptoms of all kinds of diseases. They are the most common points of the inflammatory process, developing in the body. Exclusion and pathology, Nov-Dec skeletal, nervous, digestive and other systems and organs in the body. Observed in people with lower right back pain is pain, regardless of gender, age, social and occupational differences.

Disease label if you have several groups, in which the sufferer pain, back right:

  • Nephrology, pathology.
  • Gallbladder disease and biliary tract.
  • Pulmonary disease.
  • Abnormality of organs of gastrointestinal tract.
  • Obstetrics and pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the spine.
  • Injury.

Nephrology, pathology

When back pain in the lumbar region and the right, you need to check the status of the ureter. Very frequent changes that result in reaction of the organism. A glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure, kidney disease, characteristic of pain sensation.

Beyond the pain, the person bothers me:

  1. Swelling, especially in the morning.
  2. Changing color, density, specific gravity, and urinary output daily.
  3. Red blood cells and protein in the urine.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Increased creatinine ratio.
  6. Discomfort while urinating.
  7. Increased body temperature.

Gallbladder disease and bile ducts

If the pulling pain in the lower abdomen, radiates to the back on the right goes to waist, is also a high probability that a person gallbladder, there are functionality changes. Additional symptoms include:

  • In the mouth is bitter.
  • Increased abdominal gas formation.
  • Instability of the Chair.

Hepatic colic occurs when gallstones it dying on top of her. In this case, it hurts, it bothers me a lot, the right side of the waist, there is a business centre for emergency medication and the person after surgery.

Lung disease


Doesn't inflammation of lung, pleura, often the reason for back pain right side or left side, with a defeat. This is particularly advanced respiratory and a cough.

Additionally, a person's temperature rises, and visible dry or expectorant, cough, fatigue. Lung listening to hear the doctor growling noise.

If defined pleurisy, while it was easier to the patient, by the patient.

If it hurts, right side, back, then maybe there's a reason that may indicate problems. Along with the pain, gas, rumbling stomach disorders regularity of the Chair. Often there is a direct relationship, drinking, and some products: rye bread, dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Obstetrics and pregnancy

The pain in the lumbar region on the right is seen in women, and the reasons for its formation that can be associated with gynecological problems. Very often such signs diseases existing sign women during cycle disorders, ovarian, uterine endometriosis, adnexitis, fibroids, etc., as well as pain, disturbed:

  1. Irregular, inadequate, or plentiful monthly.
  2. Vaginal discharge.
  3. The increase in temperature.

Lower right back pain in women, may appear, most frequently in the third trimester during pregnancy. Why the increased load on the spine and abdominal muscles weakening. Discomfort increases, physical activity, and sometimes even walking. In this case, the doctor recommended to limit the load and use it often, food products, contains calcium in it.

Diseases of the spine

If the low back pain usually and right side of the person, whether it is on time important pathologies of the spine: degenerative disc disease, lumbar spondylosis, herniated disc and some other. The most likely cause of the pain in this case, compression to the nerve endings, Nov or extreme tension. Pain as can be seen, in a certain place to right and down, legs, hips. Also celebrated the following symptoms:

  • Changing reflexes.
  • Numb feet.
  • Reduced sensitivity.

Challenges while performing an habitual action osteochondrosis, pain movable spoon, the rear surface foot. Physical activity, particularly intense in a way that manifest long after a position where it is located during a stressful situation.

This problem, which is most common, among people age. Is sometimes seen and young people. Pathology progresses the joints themselves are changing. Fabric less elastic the cartilage thins. The main conditions to occur, which is considered congenital defects, vertebral column, traumatic injuries, or need a long-term position in the appropriate non-physical load. We are celebrating patients with back pain radiated down the back under right rib body. Doctors advice the patient that doesn't fit if he repeatedly refreshed. When a crisis occurs it may be, self-help, it's a stretch to reduce it, it's flexible.

Sudden back pain right above the waist suddenly pierces human. For example, while trying to lift anything too heavy or inclination. The same if he gives, feet, and so strong that the patient for a difficult move, then you probably what caused sciatica lumbar. Intake can help by providing a person complete peace and pain relief medications.


If low back pain, Right Rear, then this may result in injury. Damage to the spine may be due to:

  • Extreme stress the back muscles.
  • Dress warmly and stay dry.
  • A failed decline.
  • Pulse.
  • Non-compliance gymnastic exercises perform the technique.

In some cases internal bleeding. A tooth doctor attract attention swelling, hematoma. Necessarily prescription a radiological study. Traumatic injury when the pain is acute, unexpected.


Why back pain male

Lower right back pain if a pain appears in men, his reasons may be of different nature.

  1. Inflammation is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused in the testicles. In addition, intense abdominal pain and lower back pain, increased body temperature observed in patients from the right, nausea.
  2. Benign and malignant neoplasms also react to the pain of manifestation.


Once the right side of the waist ache and you will feel that you are a person, you should consult a doctor, pass assigned to diagnosis and treatment.

Treatment usually assigned therapeutic in relieving pain pain syndrome itself. Then everything depends on the underlying cause, namely, treatment, pathology, for years a similar response of the body.

Some precautions you can take at home:

  1. Provide peace of mind.
  2. Acceptance analgesics for pain control.
  3. Try to eliminate the factors that trigger it.


Pain treatment to avoid the right side of the rear carefully for their health, to observe simple rules:

  • Quit bad habits.
  • Follow posture.
  • Busy available views include physical education.
  • Adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition.
  • It's not super cool.
  • A hard bed to sleep on.
  • To avoid excessive tension in your back muscles.
  • Medical examination to be done in time.

Let's not forget what occurs is lower back pain on right side reasons you can serve depends on several factors. Yourself are not able to identify exactly, exactly, exactly caused it. Also, always coming out to determine, first appeared in the: abdomen, side, or rear. The most reasonable way at a time – see a specialist and treatment.