Gives you back pain right side: causes, symptoms, treatment

On the right side of warning and caution must be resulting in any pain. Usually, symptom is a worrying sign that states that a similar pathology developing in the body, which can be not only dangerous, but also to human life and health. Most of the time, this pain is work-related internal organs, spine and digestive system, but may be the result of other diseases.

back pain

I felt a pain on the right side of a person, who gives, leg or back, it feels like you need to listen to, to determine the character of the pain, additional symptoms that may occur.

This will help even more and assign an expert to determine the cause of the pain syndrome the permit, and the required treatment.

The disease of the respiratory system

Pleural effusion

Pleural effusion constitute disease, characterized by inflammation of the pleura leaf. Nov visceral pathology as there are hits, and parietal pleura. A pleurisy in the chest area quite frequently, the buildup of fluid compresses the lungs, nerves, and tissues, resulting in the area of pain syndrome, right Boca.

Weather and pain localization

Disease characterized by the presence of piercing pain, a visible breath, coughing, or straining. Initially the disease is localized pain in the chest, but within a short period of time noticeable rib, side and rear-side lesions.

A right-hand unit shown pleurisy in giving you back pain, localized to the right respectively.

Additional symptoms

In addition, pain is the main symptom pleurisy patients to celebrate the following symptoms:

  • shortness of breath;
  • violence in your chest;
  • a strong coil damp dry cough;
  • low-grade fever (38°c).

Diagnosis and treatment

Determined therapist or pulmonologist diagnosis and treatment tactics. Prior to the development of the disease if trauma, orthopedic trauma consulting.

Applied for diagnosis the following diagnostic activities:

  • a story;
  • patient examination;
  • chest X-ray;
  • SA;
  • a functional work of external respiration;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • pleural puncture;
  • laboratory studies the biological materials (blood, urine, pleural fluid).

Treatment pathology is to implement:

  • broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs (infective pleurisy;
  • pain medications;
  • protivokashlevie drugs (strong cough);
  • to cleanse the body for money.

Sometimes a major change proposed surgical treatment of the plots of the pleura.


Inflammation of the lung, i.e., alveolar, bronchial, and connective tissue. Pneumonia may be double-sided, left-side and right-sided. Can cause inflammation of the tissue revealed that the right lung pain, right side, and back.

Weather and pain localization

A dull pain localized on the right side is characterized by inflammation of the right lung, mostly in the upper quadrant.

The next long-term pain disorders, chest and on the back side of the affected organ.

Additional symptoms

The first symptoms, pneumonia, sudden temperature increase as important marks (39,5°C). We are celebrating the next patient general symptoms of poisoning include:

  • weakness;
  • diminished mental and physical activity;
  • increased sweating, especially during the night time hours;
  • decreased appetite;
  • Nov, headaches and joint pain;
  • confusion.

Illness of the lung that has the same symptoms:

  • a dry cough cough with sputum numerous office varies over time;
  • shortness of breath;
  • intensity of pain in the sternum when breathing increases.

In addition, other symptoms that may accompany pneumonia:

  • redness of the skin on the side of the lesion;
  • easy herpetic rash on the inflamed side;
  • abdominal pain;
  • vomiting;
  • the chair of disorder.

Diagnosis and treatment

When it occurs, the symptoms described above you must apply to the pulmonologistprescribed examination and additional diagnostic procedures, such as story and:

lung treatment
  • X-rays;
  • SA;
  • inspection of bronchi;
  • clinical, biochemical, and easy and quick installation, research, blood, and phlegm can be removed.

The treatment of pneumonia in a hospital setting under the supervision of the nurse.

It consists of drug therapy , antibiotics, vitamins and trace elements, expectorant medicines and expanding tools.


Characterized by the presence of a pathological condition. air in the pleural space, light and the way the shutdown compresses organs, the respiratory relationship. This quantity of air of the offset of the heart and major vessels critical disorders, circulatory and respiratory.

Weather and pain localization

Which is characterized by acute chest pain with pneumothorax reinforced for breath.

Sometimes shoulder and back pain syndrome on the side affected organ emits.

Additional symptoms

He says at the beginning of a disease, which occurs suddenly and shortness of breath. Sick notes:

  • dry cough;
  • tachycardia;
  • emergence, cold, sticky sweat, body;
  • do not panic;
  • sharp general weakness.

Celebrated serious violations of circulatory and respiratory bruising, skin.

Open pneumothorax (air entering through open wounds, chest) inhalation sounds, and the sound of the whistle wound.

Out of the air as you breathe out with an open wound.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnostic pathology occurs:

  • for those who want to leave the city yourself, the patient;
  • a chest X-ray;
  • computed tomography;
  • research, blood gases,;
  • EKG.

A small volume of air in the pleural space in existence, the respiratory mechanism is not broken, and usually does not require treatment.

In other cases, the treatment in the following way:

  • pleural puncture, which sucked air;
  • establishment drainage tube;
  • use pain relief medications;
  • oxygen;
  • operative treatment.

Cancer, bronchus, lung

Cancer, disease, disorders due to cell division. Characterized by uncontrolled cell division and exposed tissue.

Weather and pain localization

Cancer pain, bronchial, lung-defined properties. Notes a burning pain someone sharp, someone complain of aching, stupid, all the time. Initially localized on the side of the affected organ, etc can give back, groin, chest, legs.

For more advanced stage disease is characterized by pain.

Additional symptoms

Other symptoms include:

  • cough, periodically visible;
  • drowsiness, fatigue;
  • decrease or lack of appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • existence removable cough, sputum in blood vessels;
  • hemoptysis.

Diagnosis and treatment

Who get this disease diagnosis and treatment the oncologist. Use to confirm the diagnosis:

  • history and physical examination of the patient;
  • X-rays;
  • SA and MRI;
  • endoscopic studies;
  • blood tokens.

The most effective treatment is surgical removal of the tumor.

Applied in the same way, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

The disease of the digestive system


Acute cholecystitis

Inflammatory disease, gall bladder, developing, like, rule violation because of the nutritional and metabolic processes in the body.

Weather and pain localization

Localized upper quadrant pain, right side, back propagates.

Illness which is characterized by bouts of acute pain, reinforced after a meal.

Additional symptoms

During acute pathology are noted:

  • sudden nausea;
  • vomiting (sometimes the only);
  • loose stools (maybe only);
  • metal taste in the mouth or pain;
  • febrile temperature higher than 38°C).

Diagnosis and treatment

If you see the symptoms of acute cholecystitis, the consulting therapist is required by or gastroenterologists. Diagnostic use:

  • history, physical examination, palpation;
  • X-rays;
  • SA;
  • EGD (fibrogastroduodenoscopy);
  • the microbiological studies.

Use as a treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • against drugs;
  • cholagogue drugs;
  • antispazmodik.


Dangerous disease, surgical's shooting inflamed appendix. So, appendage anatomical location (right iliac region) the main symptom of pathology, pain, right side.

Weather and pain localization

An inflamed appendix is blunt most of the time accompanied by continuous abdominal pain. In the early development of the disease all the pain can be felt on your wife, but already after a few hours localized pain right side lower abdomen.

Why is a progressive disease of the excruciating pain and various other characteristics.

Additional symptoms

Additional symptoms of appendicitis include:

  • periodically, nausea;
  • one vomiting;
  • dry mouth;
  • decreased appetite;
  • loose stool (usually single dose);
  • increasing temperature 39°c;
  • tachycardia.

In some cases, flows that long appendicitis, indicating herself just a little abdominal pain right under the ribs. It's such a pain not pinned antispasmodics, therefore, suspected infections required emergency hospital admission.

Gangrenous appendicitis cuts or untimely intervention specialists and, as a result, a dangerous condition for the life of the peritonitis.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis the doctor it could be an inflamed appendix, on the basis of patient complaints, the collection is a story. A significant increase in levels of white blood cells serves as an indicator of the same disease. Peritoneal organs are frequently applied.

Treatment of appendicitis surgical removal of the inflamed organ is.

The lesion in the spine, the spinal cord


back treatment

Degenerative-dystrophic diseases that affect the intervertebral discs.

Weather and pain localization

It is characterized by long, pulling pain in the spine. Disease, pain, back, chest, ribs, waist.

Additional symptoms

Symptoms degenerative disc disease is quite extensive.

The main symptoms, stiffness, pain on motion of the vertebral column and various parts of the body.

Diagnosis and treatment

Identifying degenerative disc disease who are dealing with the neurologist, rheumatologist. On the basis of the patient's complaint, diagnostic expert assigns a series of events are as follows:

  • X-rays;
  • SA;
  • MRI.

A multilateral reduction for the treatment of inflammation, pain relief. The most commonly used:

  • special protectors;
  • pain medications;
  • Nov relaxant;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Weather and pain localization

The patient notes a constantly changing one of having lumbosacral pain (the disease) at the beginning of a whiny character.

Usually the pain in the sides of the body and waist area.

Additional symptoms

Celebrate patients stiffness, back pain, fatigue, aching body pain in the spine. Increased pain which is celebrated in the same way that changed.

Diagnosis and treatment

Neurological examination of the patient then reviews:

  • radiological investigation and research;spine
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI.

Treatment medication, physiotherapy and operational.

In which case emergency medical help is necessary?

If you need a first aid trainer why:

  • that occur of a sudden, a sharp pain goes to side, and 40 minutes;
  • mixed with plenty of pain accompanied by vomiting blood, pain, dry mouth, increased body temperature;
  • the pain improved while driving;
  • severe pain suddenly stopped;
  • pinned antispasmodics pain;
  • blood in the urine output;
  • worsened general condition and consciousness mixed in.

First aid

Right side back pain symptoms is not a disease and very dangerous because of this a value to self-medicate. Returns the right side and hurts when, back, high, advice, experts, buy pills pain relief and acceptable horizontal position.

Pain will subside after 1 tablet if not, we need an ambulance. Unacceptable clinical picture because it's lubricated with a bunch of painkillers and hard posing on a background of Medicine, reliable diagnosis.

The pain on the right side, which gives a back - a symptom which can be a sign of dangerous pathology in humans.

He passes worth self medication and wait. Help in time, help can be talented, you just have to save human health, but save his life.