Night why my back hurts and my back?

Back pain is not only a night of torture, infringe a full night's sleep and rest. They report any disease symptoms. But first the doctor must go to watch, is saved from back pain for a long time, remove the morning after. If over a quarter-hour, perhaps, no health their cause.

night back pain

Back pain often at night because of an uncomfortable bed to sleep. Experts, barter, a time, a place in a night. If after a few days, a night's sleep, another bed it will stop damage to the lumbar, I mean, happy – healthy. An old couch pillow or a mattress to change a bed just for a change, a suitable new coating.

This would not be wrong to strengthen the back muscles activities include swimming, yoga, cross ten-day course for massage. When saving back pain syndrome that requires a comprehensive survey to establish a definitive diagnosis.

Basic health reasons night pain L

What night time back pain in the lumbar region, this is only the beginning, not a particular disease is a sign of authentic. Many different back pain pathologies. Therefore, the task of Doctor — hit Delete on the patient, the disease, many other diseases have similar symptoms.

The most common back pain during rest during the night and the following diseases:

  • osteokondrozis;
  • herniated intervertebral disc;
  • ankylosing spondylitis.

Severe degenerative dystrophic changes in cartilage and bone tissues in the process leads an osteochondrosis, disc and vertebral. It causes diseases, usually chronic, resulting in numerous minor injuries on their background and overload the spine. Friction when the body is deformed the spine each other. That accompany the disease of the night with sore pain in the background.

Training to give similar symptoms hernia. In the presence of a hernia is squeezed into the spinal canal, spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels. This provokes the emergence of Vertebrate night pain.

Otherwise called ankylosing spondylitis ankylosing spondylitis disease. This is a systemic disease hits, first and foremost, the joints, the spine and the surrounding soft tissue. Lumbar night pain is one of the signs that it's a disease. After waking up, and immediately pain passes up and out of bed, but only a few hours. Of pain relief to reduce traffic and hot shower.

Fully delivered to make the diagnosis a doctor to prescribe the right treatment is a disease. Spraying when it is displayed it is not recommended to engage in at night back pain. For further diagnosis, including medication prescribed by a doctor, then to quickly relieve pain.

It was a pain one listed diseases if necessary treatment symptomatic and you want a comprehensive system, it's a disease. Then, the treatment of the underlying disease, if pain persists the night themselves.

A few causes of low back pain night

The most common diseases of the hotel are other factors that cause acute pain in the lumbar region, pulling or night. During the night you may be sleeping back pain resource:

  • spinal trauma before it is transferred;
  • instability of the vertebral column;
  • psychogenic causes character;
  • Nov spasm;
  • kidney disease.
back treatment

Of injury for people that do not pass any part of the spine, without a trace. Them may remain after subacute inflammatory process, a pinched nerve branch, other adverse effects. By the time they manifest back pain syndrome low back pain or other parts.

The vertebral column instability typical of a woman alive after a while, the beginning of menopause. Instability can also be genetic the etiology of. Sometimes my back hurts, spasms and night Nov.

Renal pathology is localized pain, night pain, how much orange. Sand or stones in the urinary tract, acute or chronic pyelonephritis, other kidney disease, which can cause pain behind the sternum radiating to the area. Characteristically, inflammation in kidney diseases rising tonight. Distinctive pain syndrome is not bright in the afternoon.

Whether kidney disease it is accompanied by night pain, very specific symptoms. In particular, the patient's body temperature rises, pain while urinating pain that him to the bathroom more often at night. Survey analysis and renal ultrasound will be delivered only after a doctor for proper diagnosis.

Lumbar pain should not be discounted psychological reasons. The patient, who had a strong mental stress, the support of not only Spine Center in the first place as a reaction to the human body.