Formation of correct posture children

Formation of correct posture of children greatly depends on the environment. Parents their responsibilities, both employees of pre-school and school institutions monitor the correct location for kids, including sitting, standing and walking in addition to running, exercise, training, is mainly the back muscles, legs and abdomen. For this, the natural child Nov improved corset.

About spine and changes

The spine (backbone) the main part of the axial skeleton, human spine consists of 33-34, ligaments and joints together.

A uniform that looks like the child in the womb, the spine et al. Time a child into the world, his spine straightens, and almost a straight line. He was born literally from the moment it begins to occur posture. If you have skill in the raised position holding the head, the boy slowly in the cervical spine, forward bending, in his words, the cervical lordosis. A time when a child already knows sit, bending his thoracic spine, just before the Minister (kyphosis). And if the child begins to walk, with a forward bending of the lumbar spine and overhang faced. This lumbar lordosis. A more accurate formation so it is important to follow a child's posture.

create the-right-posture-for-children

About posture and violations

Called ability of your body to keep the posture of a person in various positions. That is, right and wrong.

Posture posture is considered to be a guy who is comfortable to work towards for his usual, no unnecessary, the effective stress and keeps your head and body straight. Apart from this, a light walk for breast a bit saggy and aside from the first shoulder, upturned abdomen and the legs, the knee straight.

He doesn't know the man incorrect posture in order to keep your body properly, therefore, usually standing and on the move, half-bent legs, head and shoulders drooping forward, putting a wife. Such a stance is disrupted the normal functioning of the internal organs.

Various poor posture, stoop, lordosis, kyphosis or scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine) fairly common in children preschool and school age. Basically, children or physically weak, or ones who have any chronic disease, or the patient has a serious illness already in early childhood.

Prevention of posture disorders

Prevention regarding any violation of posture, must be comprehensive, and the main principles are presented below.

With proper nutrition.

Throughout a constantly evolving organism, is a nutrient beneficial for the baby's growth needs. A full meal should be a variety, such as depends on, how accurate will be the development of bone and Nov.

Motor activity.

The posture health of a child is a very important physical exercises, various sports (especially hiking, skiing and swimming), gymnastics, as well as tourism, active games, outdoors, etc. should be taken into account, and not your child's physical development is much more sharp and it loads fast.

The correct mode.

To avoid problems, the bed is not necessary, just the right to edit mode (walking, sleeping, waking, eating, etc.) don't do that but will not adhere strictly, no exceptions, for example, on weekends.

Useful children's room.

  • There should be Room ideal lighting. The child must be equipped with an additional lamp a work desk.
  • The height of the table must be suitable for a child's growth. There are also private tables that is designed for a student fix posture.
  • The curves of the body to the chair back. Real, instead of roll under such an orthopedic chair behind at the level l, in addition to a normal chair. Ideally the height should equal the height of the stool to the lower leg. Use a footrest if they made a mistake, kat.
  • A spin for the rear seat rather than the child to sit between the body and the head slightly forward and took it easy наклонялась a work desk and a handful of ribs. When you cannot clear it sits under the foot, deformation and fracture of the spine that this may cause circulation.
  • Child should be in bed, smooth and a firm mattress. This type and muscles loosen as much as possible the child's body weight is evenly distributed, then the vertical position of the body all day. Don't let a boy asleep on soft surface. This provokes the formation of incorrectly folded the spine during sleep. Apart from that, the soft mattress intervertebral disc stimulates warming, which is associated with broken thermo-regulation. Baby pillow should be flat and under the ground when not only the head, under the shoulders.

Smart fix auto paint.

Accurate, complete and timely selection of children's shoes, mother provides to prevent and even eliminate many problems such as functional shortening in the legs, posture irregularities or defect that arise because of compensation stop (twisted toes and flat feet).

A homogeneous load distribution.

Known, most commonly in school age, the time of rapid growth in children, bone mass and Nov, they, unfortunately, curvature of the spine in hand. The reason for this is not suitable for the child's spine at this age is a big stress. Excessive by wearing them, you should try mom child backpack, backpack, or portfolio. Remember, standard weight, allowable to raise a child for 10% of total body weight.

Backpack, school backpack, must be flat and rigid, the width should not be greater than Shoulder width. Also you should hang the backpack, on the belt below the belt and it should be soft and wide, Adjustable length. Unacceptable, long-wearing, heavy bag on your shoulder, especially for girls. In this case, curvature of the spine, that may be an unavoidable problem for them.

When it comes to the right move, weight lifting, known, cornering, violence, and to upgrade it – this is a large load on the spine and you can't do that. Crouch before you, you would be correct with a smooth back and then get the squeeze, chest, and tied it to climb up. As Council's mom: even if you teach him to follow these rules.children

Formation of correct posture

Nov growth and the developing child from birth to start of in a safe way. The will to power and thus evolve faster than their growth. This is a perfect assistant for babies massage (prescribed by a doctor).

Responsible for groups of children age 2-3 months of Nov you can start an exercise by holding the body in the correct position. Using a handful of this will be enough for raising children, translated from position "lying" to the position "up", then the weight on your lap for a short time. These positions Nov Nov Act the education of All children during and joint groups.

In 1.5 years then you can start to do gymnastics with children in the form of a game. Together the "splitting", "cat" rear swing выгибать "water walk, drawn lines, like on a rope, rolling on the floor, interfering, etc. you may ask the child depicting bird: lie on your stomach, "раскинуть wings" (genus your arms to the sides) and to keep the ankle and foot.

Posture, the baby wolf before puberty. Through all this time, you need to follow its formation. A child already in a particular period due to this violation this can be fixed. Children regularly visit the doctor Orthopedics, be, Have, and be made available to treat all kinds of accounting. This may physical therapy, swimming, massage, physical therapy, manual therapy as well as surgical treatment (accordingly).

Useful exercises

To create a correct posture in children, as well as prevention of violations in the process of her activities morning gymnastics, physical culture and in the house during such a moment and, mainly, pre-school and school institutions and various useful that you can use in the exercise. The following are examples of this type of an exercise.

  • The boy standing up on one leg walks or billet.
  • Behind the holding circle, hand on the canopy kids.
  • A stick in his hand, a squat child standing sock.
  • Emitted to the sides, her arms a child does before the tilt.
  • Putting on a stick in his hands and legs apart, boy, прогнувшись makes it Tilt forward.
  • Baby up leg raises, lying on your back.
  • The child creeps on all fours.
  • Baby, while maintaining correct posture, walk by holding any shipping head.
  • Drooping hands holding a child, raises his hands and the ends of the stick, stick заводя behind, left and right Tilt respectively.
  • A Swedish wall horizontal bar or using, a child, and he shook it firmly with his hands, transverse, and in this position flexes the foot at right angles within a few seconds.
  • To be in the position "your feet together, your hands neglect" of a child that separates the sides and back off your hands before the right foot, then again the exercise with the left leg.
  • Lying on your back, a child with the help of a foot pedal to turn the bike" revives or "scissors".
  • Removes a child lying face down, bent knees, keeping ankles, hands and Wiggle as he starts to лодочка waves.
  • A child standing in front of the mirror, as an alternative, after the first violation, correct your posture.
  • The boy dies on the wall five points (neck, shoulder, hip, calf and heel). These points are fundamental and normal winding the outside of the body, they must touch the wall. After that performs various movement, for example, forcing the muscles in the side of arm and leg squats or reproductive about 5 seconds.


Remind dear parents and baby talking "sit up straight", of course, but this still is not enough. Health start children are still concerned about the "diapers" and is ideal to spend time with them. The important point is the formation of correct posture, baby is a personal example. Along with exercise, keep the child back upright and be healthy!