An upright posture for exercise recovery

A man with a flat back that draws admiring glances in any company. Exercise for posture is the same for everyone who wants to help in the house. Never class requires large financial costs and strenuous labor. The secret lies in the proper posture just achieve the perfection that they desire.


Incorrect posture may be a result of a hereditary disease or spinal cord injuries. But the most common causes of pathology in the false position on the back while working, sedentary, and any physical exertion. Students at risk, college students, office workers, workers, mental labor, tailor, professional drivers.

Pros, correct posture and a way control it

Advantages of a correct posture in the middle. A straight line, back, neck and shoulder great aesthetic looks. He says only our physical health, human, however, and it is about discipline, skill, work on themselves, respect for yourself and others. Straight posture of his friend, the "Royal" walk. It gives a perfect spin, self-confidence brings competitive advantages and more.

They say when искривленная spin and hanging belly, or laziness, or full безразличии environment. This not only looks ugly, but also dangerous to your health. Even a small scoliosis may cause

  • dangerous патологиям internal organs;
  • breath violation;
  • slow blood flow the legs;
  • brain tissue hypoxia;
  • защемить nerve endings.

The correct posture is characterized by the direct regulation of the body in the vertical plane. The shoulders of equal height, slightly neglected and is distributed. You will be given a bit of chest and back next. A person without any problem to correct the knee without discomfort. Together they should be completely flat when downloading, knee, hip and heel in contact with each other.

To verify a posture to have a very simple method. Get up on the wall that followed lean and full. The feet should be kept together, a disappointment throughout the body. The head is inserted through a rear surface, look straight ahead.

Arm everyone they see you like between the wall and lower back. A handful freely passes, so that your posture is correct. Otherwise, the observed curvature of the spine. Get thrown back by giving up loose abdominal muscles.

Lessons for beginners

Posture correction exercise that starts with the simplest to realize. Get started right you need to learn to sit, keep your back straight. Charging in front of a computer, make it a habit:

  1. Sit and summarized in the right scapula, with a leaning towards the chin to the chest. You have to keep this for at least 30 seconds.
  2. As we move through the hands with a flat back while browsing crawl.
  3. Tilt it forward, cuddling, ankle, hands.

With the material we have to fix the spine and proper exercise must be of a wrong situation. Several books are made using one of them. Go head up against the wall to put them on. Book should drop. The stairs as exercise to make it harder.

Training correct posture, his hands behind his back transfer various items. Therefore, well-developed shoulders and waist joints. The first transfer is done, the right shoulder with the left hand, then the face is changing. This movement should be repeated 15 to 20 times.


Another exercise is done standing. We go head up right-handed. Together, legs, hands lie along the body. Up until I get inspiration, a hypocrite, and breath by the slope of round the waist. Our stress, breathe. Repeat 10-15 times.


Prevention of diseases of the spine and the back, the correct position is performed by using effectively in the early stages of scoliosis is yoga. A person who claimed to be followers of the teachings of the spine is bent while young and healthy.

Asana the back muscles and relieving pain for the rest of 3 the most appropriate:

  1. "Cat". Simple and very useful exercise. You are advised to examine asana proper alignment, a photo of him. To the starting position of the body — the feet. Diversion that will inspire a deep, round your back as you exhale. We are doing every day 15-20 times.
  2. Lie face down, and are drawn knees, chin, fingered the other leg stretched before. Keskeler forehead and palms. Exercise, repeated several times each side.
  3. Sitting, kneeling, show of hands. The neglected of the hip and the hand pull heel forward, gliding on the ground. In this position you need to relax, several ten seconds.

The next complex to fix the posture appropriate for you:

  1. Take your hands off your knees toward your chest and back to sleep. Вдавить buttocks, abdomen and strong take a breath. Completely relax, listen to your own breath.
  2. The starting position is lying on your back, the width of the foot, thighs. As you exhale, slowly put your hands behind your head, and relying on the shoulder raise the hips and pelvis as high as possible.
  3. As you exhale and squeeze again neglect the hips, legs, chest. Completely breath of air.
  4. You need to raise the hands and legs of inspiration before it goes to a steep angle. Выдохнув, squeeze knees to his chest again.

This charger is good trains relief through spine shoulder. 8 times is performed in a good posture to exercise.

Flat and concave cutters to remove and that helps relieve the back pain complex:

  1. The starting position, face down, arms as both hands in front of you. Stiff knee the left foot, the same hand to grab her rear foot.
  2. Прогнувшись back before bringing in the nets at the same time keep up. You're talking to your left hand forward. This keeps 6 cycles, breathing, and then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. Hands embrace the rear ankle, both feet. Tore open your chest and off the ground, without separating your shoulder blades together, bend how to be stronger. Breathe in rhythm swing back and forth a little. We keep the exposure during the 8 breath-breath. Then double-asana again.
  4. Lying on your back with hip and knee against the chest. On the set of possible, side by side, removing the flat and concave cutters with Nov. Embrace right knee, right hand, left. Вращаем 3 times clockwise and slowly in the same direction.

Japanese method

Adult Japanese doctor furutsuji posture correction developed in a very interesting way. Back in basic, his spine in an anatomically correct position. The Japanese claim to be expert enough to buy an upright posture in just 5 minutes a day. The exercise is done with Roll towels.

As a result, learns to keep sitting here like a free daily lesson for a spin, while driving. The spine straightens, Hiking is gaining trust. In addition, significantly easier breathing, improving sleep, a balanced mind.


Provides technical Furutsuji and do the following:

  • and Matt sit down, aligning, legs and waist;
  • roll to sleep on your back putting exactly the navel;
  • you open your legs about 25 cm, the large fingers to each other and the discharge side of the heel;
  • little fingers behind the palm upside down to stretch hand contact;
  • in this position for 5 minutes.

Pain when you are prompted you will need to cut class time, and then increase gradually.

Stick with exercise

Such a perfect gymnastics for everyone, but especially those popular among women. The sound of a bullet to relieve the back muscles on the site, and integrating a flat and concave cutters posture. You need to start a small herd is slowly increasing.

Used rod length of 120 cm size provides ideal exercise for all positions: sitting, standing and lying. Repeat each movement 10-20 times, depending on the level of education the person.

Here are the most popular exercises:

  1. Stretch hands wide grip standing while holding the bullet. Sopa is back, twisting in different directions until the extremities.
  2. Steep holding the bullet over it, perform mahi feet.
  3. Holding balance on one leg. It's another to put this on a stick. Posture feet is kept after a couple of seconds varies.
  4. Hop on one foot, determined the bullet parallel to the ground.
  5. The starting position, kneeling. Raise the stick with both hands, draw him in the apartment. Motion of exercise is just a body.
  6. Standing up in the back of his head and a stick in his hand, the forward Tilt. Another option is an exercise — a bullet опущенным behind.
  7. The highlight stick is performed with arms outstretched shake up-down.
  8. Back to sleep and keep the bullet in the hands extended in front of you. To spend and stick under the legs bent.

You can do all the exercises, the run immediately. So the master required of them slowly, moving from simple to complex.

Exercise horizontal bar

A great benefit of these rounds is capable to create a good posture. Today there is a horizontal bar that, for any Park, backyard set, everyone in many. Professions such as a man very fond of generally, but the basic exercise will be very useful, and girls.

Normal vis basic exercise for the back. This exercise reduced the load on the spine aligned and your posture. To overcome preferably 1 minute several times a day, relaxing the muscles as much as possible. Thus, the intervertebral discs necessarily snap into place.

If necessary, you can complicate the exercise, swaying, feet and body. The other option is the imitation of walking by the relevant traffic lower legs. A остеохондрозе advice to overcome cross-legged ankles. However, in this case, the courses ask a medical expert first.

Nov formation and to strengthen corset back it is advisable to make a straight pull-up. It is important to perform the move seamlessly synchronized breath. Хват must be sound, thumb on the side. It is desirable to keep the elbow parallel to each other.

So according to the level of training and a workout that anyone can get a special taste. However, you should read the list of contraindications and see your doctor before the start of classes.