Back pain under the wings of

Often, people complain of back pain under the wings, why, why him, a wide variety of. Usually, criminals such feelings causes disease, digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory systems, problems with spinal mobility. In addition, such signs may be experienced injuries and mobility provoked nervous system.

One possible reason occupies a special place among the list spine pathology. The reason for this is forced to hold back, all the weight in the human body, thus noticed. Often pain are described in this area or under the wings. Shoulder seams the collar bone and muscles bone and rowing represent a responsible mobility shoulder. In addition, it is vital that along with the ribs protects the frame.

Any pain

Pain under shoulder blade

You may be paddling under pain so differently in different patients. You have to split it in a few groups:

  • Localization of pain (right/Mary rowing, middle, lower or upper).
  • Nature of pain (acute, pulling, aching, burning, throbbing, spills, spasmodic, giving).
  • Time (long or short-a crisis, a sudden onset, middle, or gaining, intensity, frequency).

Sometimes back pain (dorsalgia) occurs after the act or strange in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Typically, such feelings without the results of rapid migration, so why not is alarming. But if dorsalgia was persistent and uncomfortable, however, any other symptoms that occur, no, that a lie is a serious disease. To ignore a feeling like that can't be lost, with serious consequences.

With dorsalgia, subscapularis signs should alert the patient in the field of:

  • hot conditions (high temperature over 38 degrees);
  • view of the complex symptoms "acute abdomen";
  • edema of the hands and fingers;
  • sensitivity infringement upper extremity sensation, tingling, and "tremors";
  • shortness of breath, bruising of the skin;
  • vomiting;
  • dorsalgia passes even while at rest;
  • blood pressure decreased, bradycardia, syncope.

In this case the doctor can't be resolve because of the need to adjourn with a trip current not only symptoms, but the underlying reason which leads to their findings.

Left side

Shoulder pain

The complaints of the patients are quite common in town — strong pain under the left paddle. It reasons that may cause:

  • Shoulder-to-shoulder with obesity on the left side localization. This inflammatory reaction that affects a texture, the neighboring humerus joint. The main symptoms of pain for a different character pathology affecting the neck, shoulder and shoulder blade. The background is taken on a trauma that most commonly visible pathology.
  • Torakalgija (pinched nerve in the inflammation processes in space costarum). Typically, this weather herpes, but usually that gives you a lot subscapu left the region. Whereby the position of the body or extreme physical exertion usually increases the symptoms.
  • Recurrent pain, a stomach ulcer typical of this area. Her intensity, as a rule, there is a rapid increase, of this patient, facing the patient and her vomiting. A crisis happens, after meals or on an empty stomach. The first sensations of epigastric pain and then the patient left seen the emergence of the complaint under the shoulder blade and the clavicle with the joint on the left side under the rib front.
  • Defeat cartilage, intervertebral disc, cervical or thoracic region of the back is seen. This pathology of the striking symptoms of this pain syndrome, significant dizziness, weakness and upper extremity as well as numbness.
  • Herbal subscapu can be left that can be called pain crisis. Patients, pain, panic attacks, frequently complained, pulling, aching left shoulder below, the accompanying anxiety, tachycardia, and sudden weakness.
  • Impetum angina or myocardial infarction. Chest pain often seen, but at the same time, the region selector subscapu will satisfy even the visitors left. In this case, the patient's numbness in the legs and nausea.

In all cases, when the patients complains of pain under the problem with a shovel, skeletal system. This symptom generally shows neuralgia (peripheral nerves affected) or myalgia (Nov cell voltage in a state of rest or hyperbolicity).

Right side

Pain under shoulder blades can occur for the right reasons:

  • Colic, hepatobilier zone. Impaired bile from the body on a background or spasm, they smooth muscle. Sharp, cutting pain in the right pane subscapularis, or clavicle, as well as surrounding upper quadrant, depending on the reasons for their formation.
  • Subphrenic abscess. This is usually a secondary disease, parasites, along any primary disease in the abdomen. Characteristic for this pathology hiccup, which is expressed both the pain syndrome, the subscapularis is also felt in the right pane, advanced inhalation.
  • Inflammation in the acute form of kidney stones. The pain is dull, aching on the side of the lesion, lower back or the lower wing. Reinforcement patients are usually febrile state of this symptom, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Myofascial syndrome. Reflex spasm this imply a pathological condition, different Nov. Knowing themselves and the painful emotions to the point of spasm, and motion Nov fibers.
  • Herpes zoster. Pathogenic disease herpes simplex virus typeⅲ. Starting with the most common shape, hot cases, places together with strong pain, rash. And dermatological component of the user only after 4 to 12 days.
  • Right-sided pneumonia. If the inflammatory process affects of lung cancer any chest pain syndrome you can spread piece, and at the same time can be placed in the back, the neck, under the withers. The pain is usually constant and aching and sharp movements, with deep breathing and coughing increases.

Colic urinary tract-urinary and hepatobiliary systems quite often is accompanied by only spilled pain, indigestion peritoneal and events, but also the pain of the piercing under her right shoulder blade the clavicle with additional place, even right at the nape of the neck and in the proximal segment of the right hand.

Irradiating pain

Irradiating (giving) pain under shoulder blades causes and pathological conditions, it can be called such as:

  • duodenitis and duodenal ulcer disease;
  • colic, hepatobilier regions;
  • attack angina;
  • necrosis, atherosclerotic plaque, cardiovascular thrombosis on the background of one of the heart muscle;
  • hearts of cardiovascular disease inflammatory processes characterized by the presence of the outer sheath;
  • bulging of the aorta other emergency services immediately;
  • spontaneous pleural stagnant air in your chest;
  • the acute form of inflammation of the pancreas;
  • colic, kidney;
  • back pain is the spine.
"If strong pain syndrome, a pain reliever, proven even under the switches in 60 minutes, then immediately call an ambulance".

Dorsalgia, subscapularis fields can be very different. Dull pain, and connective tissue pathology Nov usually visible in the areas and connect them with the bones of a skeleton. Nagging back pain may indicate a moderate expression processes, striated and smooth muscles and internal organs. These symptoms can not be ignored, to select a sufficient and comprehensive diagnostic to deserve this treatment tactics.



Expectant mother lives a significant load on the back during carrying, so that the joint may suffer, including dorsalgia and under the shoulder blade with the collarbone. If the patient previously was diagnosed with osteokondrozis and fertilization late in the period the situation is just bad.

Additionally, the view factors that may cause pain syndrome:

  • compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves in stressful situations increased physical load or migrated on the background of acute respiratory tract infections;
  • a stagnant inflammation, lung or pleural leaf;
  • the increased level relaxing " relaxation extreme fiber apparatus;
  • Nov change the center of gravity caused by the tonus increases, fetal;
  • general pathological processes of the kidney.

In any case, regardless, sick, pregnant, or someone, the pain, subscapularis opportunity for help is a very busy health care provider in the area. It may be a rare condition, the critical signal is definitely one of the body can not be ignored.