Treatment of low back pain: causes, remedies

Treatment of low back pain if you have a raise just never doctor? After all, we're very busy, we have work to do, and worries, we we're always in a hurry and always late. And we're never ourselves until such time as the severe treatment to be done in the car "Ambulance".

back treatment

And still I will try to tell about the most common problems, why treat them at home about the methods and pain. But please note, any "public", not of treatment methods relieve you of developing disease (and should) still get together and go see a doctor.


This is perhaps the most common reason pain and low back pain. The cooling of this accident, it's not too hard, in a manner that is certainly powerful for freeze. Warm enough to work and closed, and then, wet, go get a room with working air conditioning active. Under body swivel faucet hot cold air. In cases like this a person is cold, but adaptation will be quite fast. Back pain becomes a problem but the next day left to live, stretch, or climb, pain, frequent and continuous aching, while you are driving and are crisp. It's much faster and earned the attention of hypothermia, or more simply, "blow back".

Treatments pain and extreme cooling

First, it would make sense for you to do in such a case – to-back hot. Which is easily the best for this ointment in any pharmacy. If the ointment is not at hand, so if it works then a normal alcohol. RUB waist, ointments or alcohol, then wrap it warm, like a scarf or a TUE. The cost of such a procedure to perform every day until the pain does not go on the street and when you leave the hot dress that you need by focusing on low back pain again.

If my back hurts a lot, best to go to the doctor. In this case, you may suggest you'll be shooting, immediately fever, or severe pain weaken. That are typically used for various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The same problem apply to you and you dress warmly and stay dry to face him regular, useful, warming zone, sheep or dog hair, which you can find in almost any pharmacy. Such a belt you must wear under clothing every day, the good, thin and almost invisible.

UVT treatment

Until now, symptoms of shock wave therapy treatment of back pain is considered the machine by using the progressive method of medical practice. UVT – life allow you to return the desktop 4-5 treatment sessions. This method of recovery the most popular people leading an active life and aspiring to get rid of the discomfort due to a short period of time.

Lumbar back pain

Extremely bad pain after physical exertion serious visible passes quickly. These things happen, for example, time shifting any weight. A sharp pain appears in the lumbar region, one foot disappears and then it goes away. Such a pain because enough short-term, in a successful way about him are forgotten. Then this is repeated under load, and passes again. It's not quite useful in this case something to think about. Such a characteristic lumbosacral pain, sciatica, a type bearing the name of "lumbago" folk – "back pain".

When treating pain back pain

Firstly, the relatively hard surface of the patient such a pain to put on. Necessarily a mass of people on the ground a mattress, the mattress is a fairly new thing in bed and go to bed. To drink to alleviate the pain a pain, under one's hand.

Remember, people definitely you can't put such a pain a warm bath, or attempt to "steam" the exact opposite desired effect for me.

In this case, the heat that should be used "dry", or, at the same time, a balm back pain. Most importantly, was such a balm allergy, as in most cases, an essay there this ointment aggressive enough. Thereafter, the patient required bed rest for a few days, and his diet you need to limit fluid and salt.

If all this pain does not go, then call the doctor and get you started to a full-fledged treatment – half measures don't get here.

Slipped disc

In fact, this disease represents 2. sciatica to the stage. Wait, this "enjoyable" at the moment it's not difficult, if ignore pain occurs 1. disease stage (short-term when moving serious weight lifting and loads). A hernia steady and dramatic increases pain, without any movement, it's easier, just resting (lying).

You the flesh the symptoms of this disease if the man is experiencing constant lower back pain, foot Oder and increases with sudden movements. Maybe by reducing the sensitivity or numbness in the waist area.

"Homemade" from the hernia during the treatment


It hurts to reduce the following provide you, the patient bed rest and peace, then to give any pain reliever at hand. Then you must seek a doctor. Only bring the hurt to any public hernia treatment in the acute phase, the pain won't go "poultices" or "widget", that needs to be treated seriously and thoroughly.

Additional methods hard to use while driving how to alleviate the pain in the lumbar spine motion lumbar corset that will not give the department an opportunity. But it's not a cure, that relaxes the back muscles like a corset, and then have back with exercise therapy in the treatment.

"Professional" back pain

This issue includes a study for such a typical human, low mobility or prolonged exposure to uncomfortable poses. This cashiers, operators, PC, programmers, office workers, etc for a lot of people that seem to be the most beautiful day of back pain, begins Nov "whining", and it goes on, this situation is taking a very long time a chronic view. What this is called, "occupational disease". The point is simple – low mobility and lack of bond and a lot of Luck back in Nov as a result, they can quickly you get tired out for a spin to keep it in the normal position. A result, not only pain, but the wrong posture.

Therapy "occupational diseases"

Because it is a chronic disease, and the other one finding fast, effective pain to resolve. Pain medications isn't a solution because in this case, the pain returns as soon as your own actions and constantly "sit" it can't be such a drug.

The only effective treatment method, in this case, Gymnastics and bond returns back to normal Nov. But I would like to repeat, this one-touch treatment, gymnastic exercise you need to do all the time.

Also you need to follow a correct posture. Just working and everyday life. It will also be useful as a good massage expert. Self-massage is not the best solution in this case to do.